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Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, between the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. The vast continent lies just below the islands of Indonesia. Its proximity to South East Asia makes it an ideal destination for both travel and study. Perth which is the capital of Western Australia, is only a 3 hour plane trip from Jakarta. Sydney, which is located on the eastern seaboard, is just another 3.5 hours from Perth.

Australia's climate range is from the humid tropical North to the temperate South, where four seasons prevail.

Australia is an affordable destination with competitive exchange rates and the cost of accommodation and meals compare favourably with major cities in Europe, Asia and the U.S.A.

Quick Facts About Australia

Capital: Canberra (ACT)
States and Territories: 
New South Wales (NSW), capital Sydney (pop 4 million)
Queensland (QLD), capital Brisbane (pop 1.6 million)
Victoria (VIC), capital Melbourne (pop 3.4 million)
South Australia (SA), capital Adelaide (pop 1.1 million)
Western Australia (WA), capital Perth (pop 1.4 million)
Tasmania (TAS), capital Hobart (pop 200,000)
Australian Capital Territory ( ACT ), (pop 310,000)
Northern Territory (NT), capital Darwin (pop 110,000)

National Anthem: ‘Advance Australia Fair'

Currency: Australian Dollar

Population: 20 million


<empty> Studying in Australia:
Higher education
vocational training
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