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Generally conducted in 4 terms per year. Schools usually commence towards the end of January, for a three-month term, and a couple of weeks break in between. At the end of the year, students have long summer break for about 2 months.

Some schools are offering boarding facilities with full meal provided, which allow the students to concentrate on their study. They also monitor the progress of the students more closely.

There are 3 types of schools in Australia:

  • Government Schools
  • Systemic Catholic Schools
  • Independent Schools (various non-denominational or religious affiliated schools)

Any international students who are under 18 years old will require guardianship from a close relative who is an Australian permanent resident or citizen, or from a guardian appointed by the school.

Students may take a specific major in their studies, such as commerce, science, engineering or arts.

Junior High School (year 10) graduates can continue their study at a Vocational and Training Institution, but to go to the university, they need to have completed the Senior High School (year 12) program.

Students who are under 18 years old will need to have the accommodation and guardianship arrangement in place before the student visa is granted. These welfare requirements can usually be provided by the education provider for students over 14 years old, and the younger students will need to be accompanied by the parent/legal guardian.

At the end of year 12, they will take a state-wide examination system, and upon satisfactorily completing them, they will obtain their High School Certificate.

The costs of schooling vary between $10,000 to $20,000 per year. The lack of standard process across the states and territories (or even within the same state) can be quite challenging for applicants.

Western Australia is the only state that charge local fees for dependant of postgraduate international students at the moment.

Studying in Australia:
Higher education
vocational training
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