Study in Australia

The student visa process is as follows:

  1. Study Planning.

Identify your academic needs and career goals. Progress Study Consultancy will assist and provide valuable input to you.

  1. Course Selection.

Contact Progress Study Consultancy, we will advise you what courses are available, locations, the costs and course duration.

  1. Admission Application.

You will be asked to provide evidence of your academic achievements and English proficiency. Some institutions have application fee charges. We will submit your application and follow up until we receive a response.

  1. Visa application.

To be granted a student visa you must complete an application form, pay the visa application charge and satisfy the student visa requirements. All students (and their dependents in Australia) must have a medical insurance before they apply for the student visa. Progress Study Consultancy will assist you in preparing the visa submission and applying for the visa.

  1. Pre-departure.

Progress Study Consultancy will provide you with the information to prepare you before departure

  1. Arrival and reception.

We can arrange to have someone meet you at the airport on your arrival in Australia and provide on going support, such as consular matters, visa extension, etc.

Studying in Australia:
Higher education
vocational training
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